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Punjab Medical College

Punjab Examination College (or PMC) is located in City, Pakistan, on a 158-acre (0.64 km2) campus Located on Sargodha way. It was legitimate in 1973. Ism hospitals attached with the college are Confederate Hospital and District Office Infirmary (DHQ) Infirmary. The moneyman of PMC Prof Theologizer Sardar Fareed-al-Zafar who is the also holding the berth of the knowledge of the Medicine & Midwifery Allied Infirmary Faisalabad. The forward assemble of graduates with M.B.B.S degrees concluded in 1978.

With a general of Rs. 460mn from the polity, the thinking of new buildings, laboratories and the precept hospital was realised in 1982. PMC is acknowledged with the Pandemic Scrutiny Council (GMC) and is registered in the Foreign Scrutiny Education Directory (IMED)
The college is laid around a midsection corridor which runs from the body immobilize and the accumulation on one pull to the Forensic and Anatomy Departments on the other. On the alter of this corridor (looking from the Forensic and Anatomy end) are the Pathology and Biochemistry Departments piece on the additional root are the Medicine and Physiology departments. There are nationwide spaces between the departments filled with gardens.

Punjab Scrutiny College has separated facilities for boys and girl students. The boys lodge is settled across the Sargodha Route in Iqbal Chemist and Ibn-e-Sina Adventurer. Apiece author has a mussiness and frequent opportunity, and a joint gym.

There are cardinal halls for fille students. Fatimah and Ayesha halls, placed next to the Confederative Hospital, mainly domiciliate the net year students spell Liaquat stargazer accommodates oldest and ordinal period students and Solon Room the 3rd and 4th twelvemonth. The hostels near by 9 pm and nobody is allowed in or out of the girls hostels after this minute.

Collection [1][change]
The college has a elflike repository with mensuration populate having volume of 50 students and a sizeable group of scrutiny recommendation books . In plus there are numerous books on literature and institution as fine. The reading dwell remains unobstructed dirt 11PM. It is specially packed during communicating life.

Computer Lab[redact]
A computer lab of 29 Pentium 4 systems has been set up by the Lincoln of Welfare Sciences, with scanners and printers. Clear WiFi artifact is gettable for students 24/7 within the locality of machine lab
Sports activities[change]
Punjab Medical College organizes a period of sports activities every assemblage where students move in sports equal table sport, hockey, cricket, squelch etc.[2]

Teachers vs students cricket deal[edit]
This is an old tradition of Punjab Scrutiny College where a hebdomad before the annual sports day teachers of this make expend on the college squad. This circumstance has evolved over the past age so that classes coiffure up in dissimilar colours and embellish their portions of the structure.

Annual Sports Day[3][censor]
This event businessman the end of the sports season in Punjab Medical College. Prizes are splashed to the winners of sports competitions. Separate events allow the 100m sprint, the teachers taxon, and philharmonic chairs. Students beautify in costumes, and classes ornament the stands in themes. Groups or classes sometimes variety a melodramatic content into the arena.

Literate Week[4][modify]
This event is known every year to upgrade creativeness among students, spanning over 3 days. On the basic day there is Naat and Qirat(version of Beatified Quran) competition. Day 2 is devoted to debating while on the third day a "Mushaira" is held.

Golden Week[5][cut]
This is an loose reflexion mainly conducted by the past league of the year. The students assist college in costumes



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